Reasons You Shouldn’t Fuck Kids

Reason #12: We Can’t Sleep
September 30, 2008, 10:20 am
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I rememer reading once that for a survivor, a darkened room is terrorizing.  When I first read that, I remember thinking Yes, yes!  That is me!

I have had trouble sleeping ever since the babysitter came into our lives 30 years ago.  For thirty years, I haven’t slept a peaceful night.  That’s a long time to go without good sleep.

I also once read that less sleep decreases not only the quality of your life, but the quantity of your life.  That is, people who get less sleep each night tend to die off sooner than the ones who get a lot more sleep.

This is why you shouldn’t fuck kids.  We never get to sleep again, and eventually this will possibly kill us.  You want that shit on your head?